1. IntroductionAs the peculiar result of the development of human society,language is a kind of social phenomenon and reflects all thesides of human society naturally. Its existence anddevelopment are closely linked with the social attitudes ofhuman beings and to a great extent are affected by theirsocial views and values. Historically and sociologically, oursociety is man-oriented and man-centered. Women, regarded as aweaker gender in society, are discriminated for a long timeand completely subordinated in political life, economic lifeand even family life in the society dominated by men.
Unavoidably, this kind of phenomenon has been embodied inlanguages. In linguistic aspect, language is bias-based andwomen suffer from language sexism. Gender-differentiatedlanguage use can reflect and help perpetuate the subordinatestatus of women in society.
Since 1960s, feminists strive for the elimination of genderdiscrimination, for the greater recognition of women’scontributions to society and aim to change many cultural andsocial customs that perpetuate patriarchal value systems. Manyfields of life around the world have been, or are being,affected by this movement. One of the many impacts feminism onsociety is its impact on language. Language was and is seen bymany feminists as a powerful instrument of patriarchy.
2. The Factors of Sexism in the English LanguageSexism in English is not formed in one day, but built up inthe long period of the development of language, which leads tothe variety of the causes. What causes the sexism in theEnglish Language? There are four factors: cultural factor,physiological factor, social factor and psychological factor.
(1) Cultural factorIn the Holy Bible (The Books of The Old Testament): “So theLord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and heslept; then he took one of his ribs and closed up its placewith flesh. And the rib that the Lord God had taken from theman he made into a woman and brought her to the man. Then theman said, ‘This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of myflesh; this one shall be called Woman, for out of Man this onewas taken.’ ” [1]
Man came to the world first while woman made from one of man’sribs was created just as a help meet for him. And she was notcreated until all other animals failed to meet thesatisfaction of the man. From the order of the birth, it isobvious to see the different importance of man and woman. Andman and woman are not equal at all because woman is only apart of man, which itself is the discrimination against women.
It is said in the Holy Bible that the first sin is alsocommitted by the woman. She was seduced by the snake intoeating the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and eviland having the man eat, too. At last, the woman was punishedto bring forth children in pain and was ruled over by the man.
From above, the superiority of men and inferiority of women isclearly seen. The Holy Bible is actually a book of men. AsChristianity is such a powerful religion in Western countries,it is unreasonable to deny that this helps to set andconsolidate the inferiority of women.
(2) Physiological factorFor extended work and life together, people realized that menare tall in stature, strong in muscle and robust in physique.
In contrary to men, women are small in stature, weak inphysique and have more fat and less muscle than men. Womenalso mature more rapidly. [2] In a word, men are stronger thanwomen. This determines that men play a more and more importantrole in social and economic lives. A man’s job is to workoutside but a woman’s job is to stay at home, do the houseworkand take care of the children. Women are treated as the weakerones and they realize their own values through their marriagesto men. At last, women are lower in status. They have to leechon to men and are dominated by men. Gradually, people begin todiscriminate women and think that they are inferior inintelligence. This wrong perspective forms slowly and reflectsin language.
(3) Social factor (Labor division)Feminists all claim that we live in a patriarchal society: asociety of men, ruled by men and for men. Patriarchy depictsmen as the perfect norm against which women are measured andfound lacking.
Both the Western and Eastern societies use sex, to one degreeor another, in allocating tasks, activities, rights, andresponsibilities. As for the job done by men and women, thereis a long-stereotyped notion of what they can do. In history,there has been a division of labor--a division in whichwomen’s place was restrained at home for housework andchild-care while men worked outside being the breadwinner. Atlast, men had dominance over women, and women had to bedependent on men. This was the turning point for women. Fromthen on, in paternal society, slavery society and capitalistsociety, women had been on the bottom of society. In long andendless course of history, sexism against women has beenaccumulated. It is due to different labor division that leadsto different social status. This has been clear in ancient andmodern society. Later, in addition to domestic work, womenbegan to enter the paid work place. However, even though halfof women are employed outside the home, the belief persiststhat woman is mainly, and primarily, in the roles of wife andmother.
Due to women's relative physical weakness and lowereducational background, they do primarily the low-status,low-paying jobs. Although men also have family roles, they aredefined primarily by their economic or occupational position.
Thus the sexism in the society has been in existence, theembodiment of which is necessarily the sexism of language.
(4) Psychological factorBecause of the social and cultural factors, women are alwaysconsidered to be the weak. People treat women as inferior tomen. They educate men to be manly, decisive, and brave whilewomen are required to be polite, conservative, obedient, andgentle. Because women are in subordinate status in thesociety, they have to constrain their emotion and give uptheir own need to meet the satisfaction of men. As timepasses, when speaking women pay more attention to the eleganceand standard of language than men. They use more pleasant andpolite words in the hope that they can receive other’sapproval. And they are taught to speak softly, to avoidcontradicting others, to be obedient in communication, and tobe aware of giving cues of strong confidence. They mouldthemselves to be inferior in their potential subconsciousness.[3] Therefore, women try their best tostrengthen their social status through their speech than mendo. The lower women’s position is, the more polite they are inthe face of others. And the standard language they use canshow their submission and politeness. This also suggests thatwomen are in a lower position in the society.
3. Phenomena of sexism in the English language3.1 The generic masculineSexism in language in general comes in three major forms:
language ignores women; it defines women as less significantthan men; and it completely opposes women. They can be locatedin the generic masculine terms.
3.1.1 Generic pronounsGeneric pronouns are pronouns that are said to refer, withequal likelihood, to women and men. But the English languageignores women by allowing masculine terms to be usedspecifically to refer to males and commonly to refer to humanbeings in general. The generic pronoun “he” is perhaps themost well known example of the gender-specific of sexistlanguage, and is frequently referred to be “he/man” language.
The most significant manifestation of the sexism is in the useof generic masculine pronouns “he” and its variants “his”,“him” and “himself” in such sentences as:
(1) He who laughs last laughs best.
(2) Everyone must do his homework well.
(3) If anyone calls, tell him I will be back later.
(4) Everyone should learn to solve problems himself.
In the above examples, “he”, “his”, “him” and “himself” areused not sex-specifically, but generically, that is, althoughthe pronouns refer grammatically to the single male citizen,they should be taken to refer to both male and female citizensin general. On the formal occasions, ‘he’, ‘him’ or ‘his’ canbe used to refer to such indefinite pronouns as each,everyone, everybody, no one, someone, anyone and so on. While‘she’, ‘her’, ‘herself’ don’t have such usages.
3.1.2 Generic nounsAnother well-known example of generic masculine terms is“man”. The definitions of “man” in Oxford Advanced Learner’sEnglish-Chinese Dictionary (Extended fourth edition) are asfollows: ① adult male human being; ② human being of eithersex; person ③ [sing](without the or a) the human race;mankind. There are some examples taken from the dictionary. ①All men must die. ②Growing old is something a man has toaccept. ③Man is mortal. [4] From these definitions andexamples, it is easy to see that “man”, and “men” can be usedgenerically to refer to both male and female. But ‘woman’ and‘women’ cannot be employed in reference to men.
This also reminds people of the famous saying from the USDeclaration of Independence: “All men are created equal.”
Should people argue that the “men” does not include womenbecause women were not given the right to vote in theeighteenth century America? [5] A clear explanation of thisphenomenon may be found in sentence like:
(1) Man is a social animal.
(2) Men remake nature.
When seeing the three sentences, speakers of English are ableto readily interpret “man” and “men” as meaning “the humanrace”; “humankind”. If not, the two sentences could be changedinto(3) Woman is a social animal.
(4) Women remake nature.
Of course, they are grammatically well formed; semantically,however, the third sentence has the defect of being partial,and the fourth sentence is very ridiculous.
From above, one can know that in English using “man” or “men”
to indicate “the human race”, neglects the fact that men andwomen are equal in the society. By contraries, they treat manas the center of society, an embodiment of criterion andtotally ignore the existence of woman.[6] There are many othergeneric masculine terms such as man-to-man, prehistoric man,brotherhood, chairman, and policeman.
3.1.3 Women being attached to menThe English language distinguishes women’s courtesy titles onthe basis of marital status, but not those of men. There isonly one form of address for men, Mr., regardless of martialstatus. However, the martial status of women is distinguishedby Miss and Mrs., reflecting the notion that whether or not awoman is in a marriage. This discriminatory practice is saidto mark the availability of women in terms of marriage (sex)and reinforces the view that a woman is the property of a man(either her father or her husband). When a woman has beenmarried, people address her as “Mrs. plus her husband’ssurname”. That is to say, if a woman is married to somebody,she has no right to be treated like an unmarried lady. As to aman, that’s a different matter. For example: InEnglish-speaking countries, you can often hear someone callthe wife of John Smith “Mrs. John Smith”. There is noexception of famous Madame Curie, Mrs. Thatcher, and Mrs.
Gandhi.[7] Mrs. Thatcher is the former Prime Minister in UK.
However, few people know her own family names.[8] Mr.
Clinton’s wife, Hilary Clinton, as a liberated woman, kept hername Hilary Rodham after marriage. But in order to help herhusband in the election, she had to change her name. From theaddress of men and women, one can clearly see the submissiveposition of women and women are merely an extension of theirhusbands or part of their husbands’ estate. This also reflectsin the language.
3.1.4 Female as an exceptionEnglish itself has no difference of gender. But in thisman-centered society, people is used to believing thatprestige person are always males. However, a woman who oncereceives great popularity is regarded as a special exception.
Many professionals such as doctor, professor, engineer,lawyer, pilot, judge, surgeon can be used to indicate bothmales and females. But when indicating female’s position,professional, etc., these words are created by adding a boundmorpheme or by combining them with a word referring tofemale.[9] Because these satisfactory jobs are traditionallyviewed as ones qualified only by males. Women are just theappendant to men. The words below can best illustrate it:
Common gender Masculine gender Femininegenderwaiter waiter waitresshero hero heroinepilot pilot woman pilotdoctor doctor woman doctorsurgeon surgeon femalesurgeonlawyer lawyer lady lawyerInterestingly, when we hear other people say “ My cousin is alawyer.”, most people always conclude that my cousin is amale. Most of the t