Today we are in the Information Age. It is an age where knowledge is power. To live and love the times we need ‘knowledge workers’. It is the endeavour of education system to prepare the individual to enter the knowledge society as a ‘knowledge worker’.
The “Information Communication Technologies’ referred to herEin, in fact, is a compound to two technologies ? Information Technologies and Communication Technologies which contributed for the emergence of an innovative approach in delivery of educational goods and services. Now, let us examine them, to start with independently and later together for thEIr combined contribution.
Information Processing in an organization:
Mostly people take information processing as arithmetically manipulating information. Information processing extends well beyond arithmetic. The information processing involves five tasks: Capturing, Conveying, Creating, Cradling and Communicating information.
The educational delivery system, through the ages, has been undergoing change. What started as oral instruction, with the advent of Audio & Visual gadgets has acquired innovative educational technologies for dissemination of knowledge and information. Further more computers and satellite based communication has totally changed pace and face of educational technologies. Today for that matter we are in an ICT era. We need to effect change in educational delivery system by optimally utilizing the available ICTs; for this would ensure flawless massification of education devoid of congestion in the flow of, be it information or skill transference.
Key words: Information Communication Technologies; Distance Education
1. The present status of ICT from the point of view of available platform for offering education/training programmes.
2. The required strategies for designing and dissemination of content for the present ICT platform.
3. The strategy required for the networking and sharing of resources for optimizing the quality of distance education programmes, in terms of creating e-education through virtual classroom, virtual text books代写毕业论文, etc.
4. “Learning and Teaching On-Line” ? what it holds for the future distance education? Perspective and Prospects.
Information in an organization:
In the process of evolving such an innovative ICT based educational delivery system, we have several stakeholders, whose initiative and dynamic interaction is required. The stakeholders include, the State (Provincial) Governments, Educators and ICT experts / industry.
Information Communication Technologies
As an organization meant for dissemination of Information, knowledge, and skills to the willing learners we have a structure that goes with it. The structure includes in addition to Academic & Administrative/Finance wings, a component that’s constantly in touch with the clientele group viz., the students, i.e., student support services. It is the quality of student support services that speaks or reflects the quality of distance education. The Academic wing while laying down the policy, implements the designed programs; it is the student support services using that can guide the academic wing by serving as a bridge between the student and the programme designers; so that relevant program and good learning materials are evolved by the academic wing. This is apart from ensuring a reliable examination/assessment system and the responsive administrative system.
As Organization :
We need to prepare our selves to enter the fast-paced, ever changing and exciting environment called Information Technology to exploit its full potential for use in Distance Education. Even before we jump into this arena for exploitative exploration, let us note a bit the happenings around, the forces and the factors shaping the present and future environment, be it business, education or governance.
In the Information Age it is important to know/have the information appropriate to time, content and form. The information that is with the individual or the information that is to be given to the individual should be the information that is relevant to time; relevant in content; and is in the relevant form. This relevance of information is one dimension; whereas closely on heels we have level of information. It is not simply sufficient to think of giving/providing information relevant to time, content and in form. In the making of knowledge worker level of information is also an important dimension. This is important because we have to decide as to what kind of knowledge worker we have in mind. Is it sufficient if one is aware of basic facts and has skills so as to settle down as a professional with pieces of information? Or, are we looking for an expert, who with his or her knowledge provides expertise to the concerned field? Or in evolving a person who with insights as innovator contributes for the over all development. To begin with we need all. But?论文代写, to result in a knowledge society we need knowledge workers with insight. Knowledge worker works with and produces knowledge.
We exist代写论文, having emerged, as an institution代写硕士论文, be it a Center for Distance Education, State Open University, National Open University, or an Open University System with international service area, with a corresponding structure unique to the type of the institution. It is an organization to be specific that is the basic partner in the wholistic interactive Information Technology system. It is stated that Information in an organization is composed of three distinct components: 1. an organization; 2. information in an organization; and, 3. Information Technology system in an organization.
Information Technologies
This paper elaborates on the following aspects:
To make the system work and show that it is functionally conducive, there is a need to ensure incessant flow of information. On the examination of the existing structures as presented above, it isevident that the wings within are both in vertical and horizontal planes of operation. Of course all this requires functional linkages, which is only made possible with “Upward”, “Downward” and “Horizontal” flow of information. For upward flow of information enables us to know as to “How the organization is operating and transactions that have occurred?”. The downward flow of information facilitates percolation of strategies, goals and directive’s from top to the utmost bottom line of implementation layers, and horizontal flow of information ensures communications among various functional units and working groups. This “Intranet” supports information flow within the organization.
(i) Capturing information means obtaining information at its point of origin.
(ii) Conveying information involves presenting information in its most useful form(printed, graphic, audio, video,etc.,) to people who need it.
(iii) Creating information involves processing information to obtain new information. Creating information takes on two forms: Transaction processing and Analytical processing. Transaction processing enables creation of data bases of various transactions that are taking place within the organization. Analytical processing implies creating information to support decisions ? making task.
(iv) Cradling information involves study of information for use at a later time.
(v) Communication information involves sending information to other people or to another location.
(vi) This is achieved through Telecom Technologies, such as modems, digital pagers, satellites and micro-waves.