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作者:佚名 文章来源:不详 点击数: 更新时间:2007-8-11 0:13:45

A:I came in answer to your advertisement for a salesperson.

E:I see. Will you walk this way, please?

E:What experience have you had?

A:I'm afraid I haven't had any experience in just this sort of work. I'm studying business administration in college. I want to get a job that would tie in with my studies.

E:Have you got any selling experience at all?

A:I worked in a department store in a small town last summer vacation.

E:What subjects did you like most at university?

A:I like sales strategies most.

E:Now tell me about your educational background.

A:I graduated from Beijing College of Commerce.

A:I majored in commerce.

E:What courses have you completed?

A:The courses I completed are marketing, business law, business English, statistics, marketing principles, sales management, distribution theory, economies and psychology.

E:What would you like to work with us?

A:It's a job interested in, and your company is one of the best known. Although I have no work experience as a salesperson, the job description you sent was very interesting. It's a job I've been dreaming of since I was at university.

E:Do you know anything about this company?

A:Yes, a little. As you mentioned just now, yours is an American capital company. As far as I know your company is a world famous one which produces cosmetics and skincare products.

E:In what department did you work?

A:I was in Women's Fashion Department.

E:Have you got an excellent record in English?

A:Yes, I think I can manage English conversations with American staff members.


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