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作者:admin    范文来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2011-10-7

The computer science is not the only cause, but it is a “trigger” [1] that has accelerated the processes in a sort of democratisation and the development of synergy of the providing State.

“The community of the UNESCO Leader Internauts informs of its resources. It is placed in the world because of its own identity and it projects its reality to the international environment. For that reason this virtual community is created. To enter in this city is the fastest and most effective way to understand the meaning of the UNESCO Leader profession. The contained information multiplies among the visitors.

“The chats were created in Internet and now, specifically, the UNESCO Leaders Chat Club, where you can talk to other UNESCO Leaders in real time using the keyboard of the computer as the sender and the screen as the receiver. In the UNESCO Leaders Chat Club any UNESCO Leader can talk about all the matters they are concerned with another UNESCO Leader in the cyberspace.

“The UNESCO Training Centre - Florida Eskola has already created its own training virtual campus. It also has created an Internet city for the UNESCO Leaders Internauts. Little by little the UNESCO Leaders have been aware of what Internet means; but their participation should be bigger. To be a UNESCO Leader means to take part, so the educational structures must be designed to enhance the participation.

“The idea is to group resources and information that are interesting for the UNESCO Leaders in the entire world; as well as to create a community in Internet and to strengthen the structures to achieve the maximum participation of the UNESCO Leader.”

1. - The computer dialogue

Having said that, when the UNESCO Training Centre - Florida Eskola, in its CDFAUN project, decided to utilise what the computer offers to stimulate the fast and comfortable communication, was looking for a better approach among the students separated by the distance. Regardless that Internet, the new technology, was not the best environment for a good interpersonal communications.

In the next century, also, the tendency for a generalisation of the education will be accentuated This will provided knowledge for the creation of wealth and the improvement of the quality of life.

Nowadays, the education has experienced the new impact coming from the computer science massive intrusion in thEir perfectly certain and assumed environments. The barriers that were reserved just for the social elite have been broken so the education is at hand of the population.

The education is not the only cause of the social changes; but the social transformations have never done without the education.

This acceleration will be underlined in next century, but we will see more and more the appearance of systems willing to cover the principle of the education during a lifetime.

The UNESCO Training Centre - Florida Eskola just adopted that new dialogue form -that could be denominated computer dialogue - where the interactivity substitutes the traditional passivity of the listener, by means of the possibility to actuate in the environment, personalising the contents, asking, dialoguing and acting with others. Everything was in the Web.

It will also be necessary to avoid the multiplication of the technology in the educational processes. It doesn't seem exaggerated to affirm that, particularly in this matter, part of the history of the correspondence education, for example, has arisen with the enthusiasm caused by the technologies. However , having overestimated the capacity of the technologies to solve the educational problems, a kind of frustration has appeared. This is a warning advise for moments like these in which we have surprising means in what they offer, so much to change the education systems like the very process of creation of knowledge. After all, we are aware of the consequences coming from the idea that the technologies can give the solutions that education itself should give.

All this was very clearly explained in the United Nations Observatory magazine, number 64, dated of March of 1999. The participating way of the Internet and its value as an instrument to create a community was underlined. Specifically, the section titled “ The UNESCO Leaders community in Internet” read as follows: “The initiative and the common project related to the UNESCO Leaders is the bond of the union, an approaching element among people that are separated by thousands and thousands of kilometres and they are cultural, economic, social and politically different". The UNESCO Training Center - Florida Eskola does not only believe that it is necessary to be familiar with Internet to adapt it to ease the tolerance and the respectful coexistence of all culture, but also it is an opportunity to ease the growth of the UNESCO Leaders community with one to one relationships based on the dialogue, the respect and the mutual acceptance. Through the ‘computer dialogue ' is possible to build communities where everybody is the main character and can participate. This experience for UNESCO Leaders will guarantee them their application in their professional task, which is not another than making the others be also the main participating characters.

The development of the information and the communication technology will revolt the concept of time and space, and it will ease the appearance of a kind of a planetary intimacy.

“In all this, there is a very precise purpose: to make the CDFAUN be more and more -with the support of the fantastic Internet - a story-teller that broadcasts stories; a billboard of announcements and of experiences; a press-bottom to work and connect with news, newspapers and WebPages, a sign post guides to where one can choose and to where one can be informed about the matters of interests; a Center where you can easily find what you are looking for.

“The idea is to create a community in which everyone, contributing their links or their connections or using those that are available or interfacing, can participate as part of a community. This community is possible by the existence of a mental community, people identified with a common idea: UNESCO Leader. The identification with this virtual community is not based on the place you belong, but it is based on the unity to a common will and a project.

To be in the Web was understood also, as an additional education element. To actuate in the Web was to be in communication with it, to know it, to control its information flow and to take a tool that, properly used, could make a favourable change in the world, a new harmony among the human beings. As a matter of fact, that is the aim of the UNESCO Professional Leader. In short, to create the main characters of the communication and the dialogue between cultures and the tolerance in the XXI century.

To create them using Internet; experiencing in Internet the elements of a community; working in Internet like a community of UNESCO Leaders to impel communities; being the main characters of the participation, as their mission commended them of to help in everything, also making the human beings of the communities participate in their professional work.

“For that propose the electronic magazine United Nations Observatory was created. It is really a highway -more that a bookstand - where you can easily obtain a huge amount of information from any place in the planet, about the functions and activities of the system of the United Nations, from the different media placed in Internet and from the most unexpected places -WebPages of institutions and people -.

The computer revolution offers such a new the education possibilities that the traditional educational institutions as, for example, the University will have to keep up the pace with competitors that have been formed in programs that focuses more on the style and the appearance that on the information and the technical knowledge. They have integrated the user- friend and the virtual methods in some educational processes that have been governed by the laws of the market.

Whatever it is, we will have to stop teaching too many useless things. But it will be necessary to avoid a decaffEInated teaching, as well as the appearance of anti-cognitive values, and to strengthen the common and traditional intellectual values.



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