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Please note that this assessment is to help you better understand

作者:佚名    论文来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2012-8-25

Professional Skills                                                                 


Seminar 7                 Formative Assessment


Please note that this assessment is to help you better understand how to write your learning journal. You will not be given a mark, simply advice on how to improve if needed. THE ASSESSMENT DOES NOT CONTRIBUTE TOWARDS YOUR FINAL MARK.


Aim: To provide feedback on your individual learning journals before submission


The seminars for this week are an opportunity for the teaching team to give you advice on how to write your learning journal. At the seminars in week 3, it was suggested that to write your learning journal you follow this (or similar) structure:


Section 1 (about 500-700 words): A section analysing how you learn best (e.g.     include learning style analysis etc.)


Section 2: Professional skills (analyse 3-4 professional skills that we have      covered in the module)


Analyse each skill following this (or similar) structure:

  1. Experience (short description of your experience utilising the skill)
  2. Reflection (reflection - what went well? Not so well?)
  3. Critical analysis (relate to theory - how can I improve?)
  4. Planning ahead (what will I do differently next time?)


This is a recommended structure for your learning journal; however, if you find another way of structuring a learning journal in the literature you are welcome to use it.


Your task:


  • Come to the seminar with ONE skill completed (section 2) and written down. This will be around 500-800 words. The teaching team will look over it and give any advice as necessary.


  • For example, you may choose the skill team working. You would come to the seminar with an analysis of your team working skill that covers:


1. Experience (short description of an experience(s) of when you have worked      as a part of a team)

2. Reflection (reflection - what went well? not so well?)

3. Critical analysis (relate to theory - how can I improve?)

4. Planning ahead (what will I do differently next time when I work as a part of a team?)


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