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作者:我爱论文    论文来源:网络    点击数:    更新时间:2006-9-19
The Differentiation between Design To Cost(DTC) and Design For Cost(DFC) in Concurrent Engineering

Chen Xiao-Chuan, Liu Xiao-Bing, Zhang Bao-Bao , Feng Xin-An

(Dalian University of Technology, CIMS Center, Dalian,China, 116023)


Abstract:The differences and sameness between DTC and DFC in concurent engineering's research has been analyzed. The defferences:DFC is a design methodology that use all kind of ways to cut down production's life cycle cost;DTC is a management method in a way,it obtains a design satisfying the functional requirements for a given cost target. The sameness:both of them consider the production life cycle cost in design. Because they all consider product life cycle cost and improving design program,we can regard DFC as the further development of DTC.

Keywords: Concurrent Engineering , Design For Cost(DFC),Design To Cost(DTC)

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