The present paper would describe the impact of the new information and communication technologies on education. An attempt is made to highlight IGNOU’s experiences in the use of ICT for development and delivery of its programmes. Lastly, the important issues related to virtual education at IGNOU in particular and what should be the future strategy for this mode of education in general is also presented.
CD-ROM: Compact Disk-Read Only Memory
TCP: Transmission Control Protocol
Distance and open learning systems which have all along been depending on print, video and audio media for the delivery of the courses have now found a new tool in the form of interactive web sites. This tool has, no doubt, reduced both the time and space constraints of distance learning systems. Besides becoming the most viable alternative to face to face learning, the online education has the advantage of the distance learning system as well by catering to the needs of thousands of students simultaneously. The interaction between the teacher and the taught is very spontaneous and it has totally eliminated the non-involvement of the teacher in the learning process, which was considered as a drawback in the distance mode of education. Taking these aspects into consideration, the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) has taken initiatives to offer a few of its programmes through the web site. To begin with information technology and management programmes are bEing offered on-line. Currently, attempts are also underway to launch an on-line Certificate Programme on ‘Participatory Management of Displacement, Resettlement and Rehabilitation’ with the assistance of World Bank.
BIT: Bachelor of Information Technology
BTEC: Business & Technology Education Council
HND: Higher National Diploma
ADIT: Advanced Diploma in Information Technology
Today’s post-modern society is characterized as a networked society because of the expanding role of the new information and communication technologies (ICTs), which have not only speeded up communication and transportation but have actually shrunk the globe. In today’s parlance it is said that we are living in a “global village”. This new ICT has made it possible to instantly transfer voice, vision and data around the globe. The ICT had its impact on education too. In fact it has changed the way we can teach and learn. It is also said that it has brought about more changes in the field of education that have not taken place in the past thousand years. The new ICT has not only changed the source of knowledge but also the mode of delivery, instructional methods, site and place of learning and provision of learner support. ICT is growing for the past two decades and it is now an integral partof many national educational systems throughout the world. Increase in population with growing awareness of the benefits of ICT has forced many governments to explore the possibilities of using it to provide education on a mass scale.
IGNOU: Indira Gandhi National Open University
ICT: Information and Communication Technologies
TLC : Tele-Learning Centres